Root Canal Treatment

Professional Root Canal Therapy

Are you in need of professional root canal treatment? Get in touch with the experts at Newport Dental Centre and enjoy quality root canal therapy. Many people view toothaches as a minor matter. However, certain instances will call for immediate medical attention. For example, experiencing pain, fever, and prolonged heat sensitivity could signify the presence of an infection in your root canal. Scheduling a consultation is the best course of action since doing so allows our team to determine the cause of your discomfort and offer lasting solutions.

Root Canal Dental Treatment Procedure

A root canal treatment is a procedure that dentists use to resolve infections that develop in your tooth’s root canal.

The root canal is the hollow section inside your tooth’s root that contains dental pulp and blood vessels. When this pulp develops an infection, it can result in severe pain and other complications. Fortunately, our root canal treatment procedures can help you resolve these complications. We also offer in-house cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging technology for complex procedures.

The procedure begins with the removal of the infected pulp and blood vessels. After, we will clean the hollow space before filling and sealing it. Our team will make a mould of your replacement crown, fitting you with a temporary crown as you wait. Once your permanent crown is ready, we will place it on top of the tooth.

Benefits of a Root Canal Treatment

When to Seek Root Canal Treatment

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you experiencing an excruciatingly painful toothache and suspect you might require root canal treatment? The following frequently asked questions can help you determine the steps to take.
Your root canal infection could result from several things, such as trauma to the tooth, a damaged or cracked tooth, or tooth decay.
Neglecting treatment can expose you to several risks. For instance, the infection could spread to other parts of your tooth, causing further damage. The infection could also impact other teeth, leading to more severe complications.
The length of your procedure will depend on the infection’s severity. Some might need three visits, while others can attain relief after two one-hour appointments.
Root canal treatments are usually pain-free. They aim to relieve the pain an infected tooth causes.
Endodontic treatments are one of the most common dental procedures and have a success rate of up to 90%.

Enjoy Lasting Pain Relief

Get in touch with our Newport Dental Centre team at (02) 9999 5820 to learn how our root canal treatment services can restore your healthy smile.